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Loss Weight Malaysia
Our Business Is You!

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Loss Weight

Loss Weight


Loss Weight 12kgs in Just 4 months - Herbalife Work!!!

May 2010 - September 2010

I tried various ways to loss weight such as taking slimming pills.Those result was 'Touch n Go' - slimming down for a short period and bounce back to the weight before and even worst.

I got to know Herbalife by internet and after taking the products seriously,I feel and look much healthier than I have been in the past. I lost 12 kgs in 4 months (from 80 kgs to 68 kgs) by simply replacing my breakfast and lunch with the shakes. I can't believed my size reduce from XL to M now and my waistline from 36" to 31".Unknowingly mine GOUT has also disappeared.This is unbelievable